Thursday, August 5, 2010

Robin Williams and Poker

I wanted to write something really nice for Line tonight because she always says goodnight in the sweetest, most thoughtful ways. I usually get a nice long note in Norwegian (and even though I know a lot of the words she uses by now i still need google translate :P), but tonight she wrote me a cute little poem too. But I was really hungry, so before starting I cooked a steak and opened up pokerstars to distract me a little while I ate. There was a freeroll entry tournament to win a Lamborghini, so I joined it thinking I'd have a little fun and be out by the time I'd finished the steak. No way. I was getting the best cards ever. Even when i didn't have the best cards I'd suck out on the river and beat some guy with a WAY better hand. Anyway, the tournament started at around 2am just when Robin William's standup special began with 8,879 players and ended a little more than 3 hours after that. After the first hour I was pretty consistently in the top 50 players, and in the last half hour i never left the top 10. I finished the tourny in 4th place with a stack of just over 1,300,00 chips (we started with 1,500 each). Now we have another tournament to play in with a $100,000 prize pool, and then another one with a $250,000 prize pool (plus first place wins the Lamborghini!). Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't get to write anything nice for you tonight Linecakes, but maybe if I win any money I'll make it up to you ;)

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