Wednesday, February 24, 2010

i'm an idiot

So I'm taking a creative writing class this semester. I only signed up for it because I had the professor for another class last semester and she was great, but I've ended up really enjoying this class too. Anyway the class is full of girls: 4-5 are cute, 10 are average looking, and there are 3 dogs. This is good because aside from me, there are only 4 other guys (one of which i'm pretty sure is gay). So today the professor pairs everyone off with partners to read eachother's assignments and sets me up with one of the really cute brunette's (I wish I could describe her better than that, but I guess that's why I'm taking a class on creative writing). Cute girl picks up her stuff, smiles, and settles down next to me. I tell her I didn't do the paper, she laughs and says she doesn't feel like reading anyway. I give her paper a quick once-over and deliver some empty praise. I don't even remember what the assignment was supposed to be about. We start talking about the weekend and I mention that June was skunked again. I have a stupid dog. She asks what kind and mentions that she too has a dog. I ask what kind. She tells me it's a labradoodle. I tell her that's a stupid breed. Cute girl does not like me anymore.

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