Monday, February 22, 2010

loneliness is looking in the mirror and seeing nothing

June was sprayed by a skunk the other night so i can't just let her out in the yard anymore. It's mating season for pepe le pew, so now I have to take her out for walks every night. I usually like walking her in the dark. I can relax and listen to music without having to stop and talk to neighbors i don't know about all the snow we've been having lately. But it's been unusually cold out, and even under a tee, flannel, sweatshirt, and leather jacket it was uncomfortably chilly. So before going out I got nice and drunk. I know alcohol actually lowers your body temperature or whatever, but it makes you feel warmer so stfu. Anyway, between walking past the same cruddy houses and June trying to pull me into bushes after very interesting smells, my mind started wandering... What makes someone lonely? Most people say loneliness is something that happens when you're not around people, but I don't think that's loneliness, it's just being alone. Loneliness happens when you're missing a part of yourself, but you don't know which part. I need to find my missing part.

Fuck I'm depressing.

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